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Head Start Home Visiting Performance Standards and Framework

Aligned with FSU's Partners for a Healthy Baby Home Visiting Curriculum 

Partners for a Healthy Baby is a nationally recognized, research-based curriculum used by many home visiting models to improve birth outcomes, reduce rates of child abuse, increase intervals between pregnancies, strengthen families, enhance child health and developmental outcomes, and support family stability and economic self-sufficiency. The Partners curriculum was developed by a highly experienced multi- disciplinary faculty team at Florida State University, and designed to support a systematic approach to planning and conducting effective home visits.


The FSU Partners for a Healthy Baby (Partners) curriculum focuses on ensuring parents are supported to provide responsive care and offer effective learning experiences in an environment that encourages their child's growth and development. The Partners curriculum is designed to prepare parents with the knowledge and skills needed to care for their young child, and support optimal bonding and attachment. The curriculum also encourages parents to become their child's first teacher by providing activities that support all aspects of a child's development.


The Head Start Performance Standards require that Early Head Start program's curriculum aligns with the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework (HSELOF). The newly revised FSU Partners curriculum provides rich content for home visitors and caregiving staff to support parents' efforts to ensure the healthy development and learning of their infants and toddlers. There are approximately 200 Parent Handouts designed to be used by the family to promote their child's development across all of the HSELOF domains. The intent of these Parent Handouts is to provide parents with activities-often using materials found in the home-to support their child's development. A subset of interactive Parent Handouts provides the family an opportunity to "Reflect, Observe, and Review," and complete questions that support their ongoing ability to consider their child's development, strengths, likes, and dislikes.

FSU Partners for a Healthy Baby Home Visiting Curriculum Alignment with Head Start Program Performance Standards for Services to Pregnant Women

Head Start Program Performance Standards 1302.80-1302.82, Subpart H, require Early Head Start programs to provide expectant families with education and support on several topic areas. The  curriculum provides a comprehensive, easy to navigate resource to meet these requirements. The crosswalk document below provides an alignment of the content found in the curriculum volumes and  with each of the required topic areas. 


This crosswalk is a checklist format with summary sheet and detailed lists can be used to document the completion of required parent education topics for each expectant family. This tool can be used flexibly by programs and may be edited to add program logo and any other additional purposes that the program has identified to effectively meet the requirement. It is available for download below in a Microsoft Word version which may be edited, a printable PDF version, and a Fillable PDF version for your convenience, but is not required to use the  curriculum to fidelity.














FSU Partners for a Healthy Baby Home Visiting Curriculum Alignment with Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework


The documents below provide an alignment of the content found in the Partners curriculum with each of the five HSELOF domains. We have provided the alignment in two different formats. 

The document, FSU Partners for a Healthy Baby Home Visiting Curriculum Alignment with Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework: Implementation Guide , was intentionally designed to follow the guidelines offered by the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework Implementation Toolkit: Using the ELOF to Inform Curriculum Planning and Implementation . Our Implementation Guide can be downloaded as a PDF or a Word document. It provides an "at-a-glance" narrative of the content found in the newly revised Partners curriculum and addresses the Domains and sub-domains within the HSELOF. 

The document, FSU Partners for a Healthy Baby ELOF Alignment Reference Guide, provides an overview of how to use the excel spreadsheet titled, Partners Alignment with HS ELOF. The excel spreadsheet provides an in-depth look at how each of the Purposes and Parent Handouts in the newly revised Partners curriculum is aligned with the ELOF, at the Domain and Sub-Domain Level. 


FSU Partners for a Healthy Baby ELOF Alignment Reference Guide - PDF 

PHB Baby's 1st Year
Partners Baby's 1st Year Alignment with HS ELOF - PDF 
Partners Baby's 1st Year Alignment with HS ELOF - Microsoft Excel 

PHB Baby's 2nd Year
Partners Baby's 2nd Year Alignment with HS ELOF - PDF 
Partners Baby's 2nd Year Alignment with HS ELOF - Microsoft Excel 

PHB Toddler's 3rd Year
Partners Toddler's 3rd Year Alignment with HS ELOF - PDF 
Partners Toddler's 3rd Year Alignment with HS ELOF - Microsoft Excel 

"Let's Explore!" Developmental Activities Primary Age Ranges & Head Start ELOF Crosswalk - PDF

FSU Partners for a Healthy Baby Home Visiting Curriculum Alignment with Head Start Performance Standards and the Parent, Family & Community Engagement Framework (PFCE)

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